
God seeks worshipers who will worship in Spirit and truth.  This is our guiding principle in worship – sometimes called “The Regulative Principle of Worship.”  Recognizing that our God is sovereign, and has saved us in His grace, we look to Him for guidance on what is acceptable worship.  His word regulates what we do and how we conduct ourselves in corporate worship.   We want to worship only as He commands, and in all of the ways He commands.  Passing fads and modern trends find no place in our services, as we seek to please God and not men.  Therefore our worship is:



The word of God is our rule for proper worship.  It also provides much of the content of our worship.  The Scriptures are read, preached, believed and obeyed in our worship.  The Bible is central to our worship services

Reverent and Joyful

We approach a God who is high and holy.  Yet He stoops down to graciously draw us to Himself.  Finding forgiveness in Christ, we rejoice in His goodness and mercy.  The tone of our worship is both sober and celebratory – respectful and joyful!


Worship, above all else, is a meeting of the triune God with his covenant people. Worship is a holy dialogue where God initiates and we respond.  He speaks to His people in the reading and preaching of His Word and in the sacraments, and God’s people respond with thankful singing, prayer, and cheerful giving.

A Family Event

God calls covenant families to worship Him together as families. Parents are encouraged to train their children to worship God from tender years and bring them into the service.  Children are welcome in our services and are encouraged to participate as worshipers of the true and living God.